Panel Discussion on Brexit and US-Trade Policy, Elmar Brok (MEP), Paul Welfens (EIIW)

27.06.2018|12:16 Uhr

27.06.2018, 1-2 pm, Renaissance Hotel, Brussels

BREXIT Panel Discussion

“Slow-down of BREXIT and Transatlantic Trade Conflicts”
When: 27 June 2018, 13:00-14:00, Where? Renaissance Hotel (Ballroom 2) Brussels.

  • EUref disorderly,
  • NoDeal BREXIT,
  • New cost estimate,
  • Why Global Britain will not work,
  • Trump’s Trade Policy: Sharper Conflicts Upcoming,
  • Results from Deutsche Bundesbank-sponsored research project,
  • EU Reforms.


Info on Panel Discussion and Discussants

Key Aspects of the book An Accidental BREXIT and Role of Protectionist US Trade Policy

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