New publication: Special Issue Journal International Economics and Economic Policy

31.07.2017|15:25 Uhr

The new special issue of the journal International Economics and Economic Policy from Springer has been published in July 2017.

The title of the new special issue is:

Resource Efficiency, Circular Economy and Sustainability Dynamics in China and OECD Countries

Edited by Paul Welfens, Raimund Bleischwitz and Yong Geng

The special issue features innovative contributions in the fields of resource efficiency, the circular economy, sustainability and environmental economics, concerning topics such as recycling, eco-cement, energy-saving behaviors, renewable energy and emission trading systems.

The latter contribution by Welfens, Yu, Hanrahan und Geng, titled The ETS in China and Europe: dynamics, policy options and global sustainability perspectives, is available online (Open Access).

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