Projects 2015-2020:

  • Update of the ICT Industry Monitor (2020), Hans Böckler Foundation
  • Impact of BREXIT on the EU27: Banking and capital market adjustments and direct investment dynamics in the euro area and other EU countries (2017/18/publications in 2018 and 2019), Sponsoring: Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Women's employment opportunities and unemployment problems of female refugees in Wuppertal: economic and statistical analysis (2020), Jobcenter Wuppertal
  • Creation of an ICT sector monitor (2018), Hans Böckler Foundation
  • Macroeconomic BREXIT aspects with a view to Germany and the EU (2017), Hans Böckler Foundation
  • China Investment Report: Behaviour and Prospects of Chinese Investors in Germany and China Economic Dynamics (2017), Hans Böckler Foundation
  • EU Structural Change, Lead Market and Techno Globalisation (2015/2016), Hans Böckler Foundation