EIIW workshop to mark the Special Issue of International Economics and Economic Policy with guest editors Joaquim Oliveira Martins and Werner Roeger, ZOOM Workshop 11 June 2021

List of Papers to be Presented and Abstracts

Workshop Agenda (preliminary)


Second workshop as part of the EIIW Bundesbank-sponsored Project: The Influence of Brexit on the EU28: Banking and Capital Market Adjustments plus Macro Perspectives IHS Markit, Frankfurt, 12 October 2018

Workshop Program


First workshop as part of the EIIW Bundesbank-sponsored Project: The Influence of Brexit on the EU28: Banking and Capital Market Adjustments as well as Direct Investment Dynamics in the Eurozone and other EU CountriesEIIW/University of Wuppertal (Guesthouse), 16 March 2018

Workshop Program


Final Workshop SINCERE-Project:The Circular Economy in China and Europe: Latest Insights and Future Perspectives. Location: Chatham House (Simulation Centre), 10 St James’s Square, London - Friday 8 December 2017

Workshop Program


Workshop: Anniversary 20 Years of EIIW "Europe in the 21st Century: Zukunft der EU-Integration und Transatlantischer Freihandel, Berlin, 25th June 2015

Workshop Program Application


Jean Monnet Conference "European Economic Governance in an International Context" Brussels, 24-25th November 2011



3rd International Wuppertal Colloquium on Sustainable Growth and Resource Productivity - Harnessing Industry and Policy Towards Eco-Innovation, Brussels, 4-6th September 2010


International Wuppertal Colloquium on "Sustainable Growth, Resource Productivity and Sustainable Industrial Policy - Recent Findings , new Approaches for Strategies and Policies, Wuppertal, 10-12th September 2009


International Wuppertal Colloquium on "Sustainable Growth, Resource Productivity and Sustainable Industrial Policy - Recent Findings , new Approaches for Strategies and Policies, Wuppertal, 17-19th September 2008

Jean Monnet Workshop: Financial Market Integration, Structural Change, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the EU25, Brussels, 28th April 2008>/h3>


Jean Monnet Workshop: Financial Market Integration, Structural Change, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the EU25, Budapest, 18-20th October 2007


Jean-Monnet Project: Financial Market Integration, Structural Change, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the EU 25, Wuppertal, 22nd September 2006

Financial Market Integration, Structural Change and Growth: 50 Years of EU Dynamics Frankfurt, 6-7th July 2006

Technology Dynamics, Growth and Reform Policies in the US and Europe Wuppertal, 3rd February 2006


Innovation, Employment and Growth Policy Issues in the EU and the US Wuppertal, 8th July 2005


Workshop: Europäische Wirtschaft vor neuen Herausforderungen Wuppertal, 15th December 2004

Das neue Europa: Integration, Internet, Innovation, Investition Wuppertal, 26th November 2004

EIIW Sommer-Akademie: Telekom- und Internetwirtschaft Wuppertal, 21./22.09.2004

Regulatory Changes, Innovations and Investment Dynamics in the Digital World Economy Wuppertal, 19./20.09.2004

Sustainable External Economic Liberalization and Integrated Policy: Options for Eastern Europe and Russia Projekt: Integration of Russia into the World Economy Brüssel, 26.04.2004

Infrastructure, Investment Financing and Economic Internationaization: Perspectives on Eastern Europe and Russia Projekt: Integration of Russia into the World Economy Moskau, 26.-29.02.2004

Economic Integration, Innovation Dynamics and Growth Workshop for the Special Issue (2+3) of the Journal International Economics and Economic Policy Brüssel, 06.-08.02.2004

Structural Change and Exchange Rate Dynamics in the Context of EU Eastern Enlargement Workshop: Changes in Industrial Competitiveness as a Factor of Integration: Identifying Challenges of the Enlarged Single European Market Wuppertal, 12./13.01.2004


Economic Growth and Economic Opening Up in Russia Konferenz: Integration of Russia into the World Economy: Growth- related Adjustment Problems, Infrastructure and External Policy Options Potsdam, 20.-22.09.2002


International Symposium: Internet, Economic Growth And Globalization - The Impact of new Information Technologies on Corporate Strategies, Economic Policy, Regional and Social Structures August 8-10, 2001, Duisburg and Potsdam/Berlin

Internet and Growth in Europe and the US (Joint Workshop with AICGS/Johns Hopkins University; AICGS working group on the New Economy; Prof. Dr. David Audretsch), January 20-21, Hotel Griebnitzsee, Potsdam


Economic Development and Modernization in Russia and Eastern Europe, May 19-20, St. Petersburg, Russia, zusammen mit dem/jointly with Leontief-Centre, St. Petersburg

Wachstums- und Innovationspolitik in Deutschland und Europa (Growth and Innovation Policy in Germany and Europe), 14. April, Hotel Griebnitzsee, Potsdam


Overcoming the Russian Transformation Crisis, 03.-04.12 Moskau/Moscow, zusammen mit der/jointly with Higher School of Economics, Moscow (Prof. Dr. Gavrilenkov)

Wege zur Überwindung der Wirtschaftskrise in Rußland (Facing the Russian Economic Crisis), 24. Juni/June, Bonn, DIHT

Restructuring, Stabilizing and Modernizing the New Russia, 25.-27. Juni, Landesvertretung Brandenburg, Bonn Transition Crisis in Russia: Developments and Comparative Analysis, 05.-06. Februar/February, Hotel Griebnitzsee, Potsdam


Standortkonkurrenz, wirtschaftspolitische Rationalität und internationale Ordnungspolitik, 23.-24. April, Bonn

Internationalization of the Economy, Environmental Problems and New Policy Options, 15.-17. Oktober/October, Hotel Griebnitzsee, Potsdam


Technologieorientierte Unternehmensgründungen und Mittelstandspolitik in Europa: Probleme ? Internationale Erfahrungen ? Risikokapitalfinanzierung, 13.-14. März, Hotel Griebnitzsee, Potsdam

Mehr Rationalität in der Euro-Debatte, 10. November, Bonn, DIHT, zusammen mit dem BürgerForum Europa e.V.

Economic Globalization and International Organizations: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on Growth, Impact and Evolution of Major Organizations in an Independent World, 04.-07. Dezember/December, Hotel Griebnitzsee, Potsdam


European Labour Markets and Social Security, 04. April, Hotel Mercure, Potsdam European Monetary Union: Transition, International Impacts and Policy Options, 25.-26. April, Hotel Griebnitzsee, Potsdam

Competition in Network Industries: Telecommunications, Energy and Transportation in Europe and Russia, 21.-23. November, Hotel Griebnitzsee, Potsdam


Banking, International Capital Flows and Growth in Europe, 12.-14. Oktober, Hotel Mercure, Potsdam