EIIW Diskussionspapiere

No. 149 Vogelsang, M.: Trade of IT Services in a Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model


No. 148 Welfens, P.J.J.: Marktwirtschaftliche Perspektiven der Energiepolitik in der EU: Ziele, Probleme, Politikoptionen


No. 147 Welfens, P.J.J.: Internationalization of EU ICT Industries: The Case of SAP


No. 146 Welfens, P.J.J.: Rational Regulatory Policy for the Digital Economy: Theory and EU-Policy Options


No. 145 Jungmittag, A.: Technological Specialization as a driving Force of Production Specialization


No. 144 Welfens, P.J.J.: Grundlagen rationaler Transportpolitik bei Integration


No. 143 Welfens, P.J.J.: Information and Communication Technology: Dynamics, Integration and Economic Stability


No. 142 Welfens, P.J.J.: Digitale Innovationen, Neue Märkte und Telekomregulierung


No. 141 Schumann, Ch.: Financing Studies: Financial Support schemes for students in selected countries


No. 140 Borbély D.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Structural Change, Innovation and Growth in the Context of EU Eastern Enlargement


No. 139 Welfens, P.J.J.: Interdependency of Real Exchange Rate, Trade, Innovation, Structural Change and Growth


No. 138 Borbèly, D.: Determinants of Trade Specialization in the New EU Member States


No. 137 Welfens, P.J.J.: Schattenregulierung in der Telekommunikationswirtschaft


No. 136 Welfens, P.J.J.: Rational Regulatory Policy for the Digital Economy: Theory and EU Policy Options


No. 135 Feiguine, G.: Beitritt Russlands zur WTO ? Probleme und Perspektiven


No. 134 Libman, A.: Russia's Integration into the World Economy: An Interjurisdictional Competition View


No. 133 Jungmittag, A.; Welfens, P.J.J: Institutions, Telecommunications Dynamics and Policy Challenges: Theory and Empirical Analysis for Germany


No. 132 Welfens, P.J.J.: A Quasi-Cobb Douglas Production Function with Sectoral Progress: Theory and Application to the New Economy


No. 131 Welfens, P.J.J.: Significant Market Power in Telecommunications: Theoretical and Practical Aspects


No. 130 Pospiezna, P.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Economic Opening up of Russia: Establishment of new EU-RF Trade Relations in View of EU Eastern Enlargement


No. 129 Pospiezna, P.: The application of EU Common Trade Policy in new Memberstates after Enlargement ? Consequences on Russia?s Trade with Poland


No. 128 Welfens, P.J.J.: Savings, Investment and Growth: New Approaches for Macroeconomic Modelling


No. 127 Welfens, P.J.J.: Innovations in the Digital Economy: Promotion of R&D and Growth in Open Economies


No. 126 Welfens, P.J.J.; Borbèly, D.: Exchange Rate Developments and Stock Market Dynamics in Transition Countries: Theory and Empirical Analysis


No. 125 Bartelmus, P.: SEEA Revision: Accounting for Sustainability?


No. 124 Welfens, P.J.J.; Kauffmann, A.; Keim, M.: Liberalization of Electricity Markets in Selected European Countries


No. 123 Welfens, P.J.J.: Digitale Soziale Marktwirtschaft: Probleme und Reformoptionen im Kontext der Expansion der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie


No. 122 Borbèly, D.: Competition among Cohesion and Accession Countries: Comparative Analysis of Specialization within the EU Market


No. 121 Jungmittag, A.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Politikberatung und empirische Wirtschaftsforschung: Entwicklungen, Probleme, Optionen für mehr Rationalität in der Wirtschaftspolitik


No. 120 Welfens, P.J.J.: EU Innovation Policy: Analysis and Critique


No. 119 Welfens, P.J.J.; Markova, E.: Private and Public Financing of Infrastructure: Theory, International Experience and Policy Implications for Russia


No. 118 Markova, E.: Liberalisation of Telecommunications in Russia


No. 117 Welfens, P.J.J.: Auf dem Weg in eine europäische Informations- und Wissens-gesellschaft: Probleme, Weichenstellungen, Politikoptionen


No. 116 Borbèly, D.: EU Export Specialization Patterns in Selected Accession Countries


No. 115 Addison, J.T.; Teixeira, P.: The effect of worker representation on employment behaviour in Germany: another case of -2.5%


No. 114 Welfens, P.J.J.: The End of the Stability Pact: Arguments for a New Treaty


No. 113 Shi, S.: China?s Accession to WTO and its Impacts on Foreign Direct Investment


No. 112 Wiegert, R.: Russia's Banking System, the Central Bank and the Exchange Rate Regime


No. 111 Gavrilenkov, E.: Diversification of the Russian Economy and Growth


No. 110 Addison, J.T.; Teixeira, P.: What Have We Learned About The Employment Effects of Severance Pay? Further Iterations of Lazear et al.


No. 109 Welfens, P.J.J.; Ponder, J.K.: Digital EU Eastern Enlargement


No. 108 Welfens, P.J.J.: Risk Pricing, Investment and Prudential Supervision: A Critical Evaluation of Basel II Rules


No. 107 Welfens, P.J.J.: Überwindung der Wirtschaftskrise in der Eurozone: Stabilitäts-, Wachs-tums- und Strukturpolitik


No. 106 Welfens, P.J.J.; Jungmittag, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Schumann, Ch.: EU Eastern Enlargement and Structural Change: Specialization Patterns in Accession Countries and Economic Dynamics in the Single Market


No. 105 Welfens, P.J.J.: Exchange Rate Dynamics and Structural Adjustment in Europe


No. 104 Standke, K.-H.: The Impact of International Organisations on National Science and Technology Policy and on Good Governance


No. 103 Welfens, P.J.J.; Kirn, T.: Mittelstandsentwicklung, BASEL-II-Kreditmarktprobleme und Kapitalmarktperspektiven


No. 102 Blind, K.; Jungmittag, A.: Ausländische Direktinvestitionen, Importe und Innovationen im Dienstleistungsgewerbe


No. 101 Agata, K.: Internet, Economic Growth and Globalization


No. 100 Gavrilenkov, E: Macroeconomic Situation in Russia - Growth, Investment and Capital Flows


No. 99 Welfens, P.J.J.: Finanzpolitik zwischen Wachstumsschwäche und Maastrichter Vertrag / Stabilitätspakt: Ausgabenschwerpunkte neu setzen und kluge Steuerreform


No. 98 Jungmittag, A.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Telecommunication, Internet, Innovation and Growth in Europe and the US


No. 97 Welfens, P.J.J.: I&K-Technologie, Produktivität und Wachstum: Transatlantische Analyseperspektiven und wirtschaftspolitische Optionen


No. 96 Jungmittag, A: Innovation Dynamics in the EU: Convergence or Divergence?, A Cross-Country Panel Data Analysis


No. 95 Welfens, P.J.J.: Constitutional Issues and the Quality of Political Competition: Analysis and Implications for a Future EU Constitution


No. 94 Welfens, P.J.J.: Mittelfristige Herausforderungen für Euroland: Stabilität, EU-Osterweiterung, Wachstum


No. 93 Welfens, P.J.J.; Wiegert, R.: Reform des Bankensektors und Stabilität in Russland


No. 92 Jungmittag, A.: Innovationsdynamik in der EU: Konvergenz oder Divergenz?, Eine Zeitreihen-Querschnittsanalyse


No. 91 Addison, J.T.: Principles of Market-Oriented Labor Market Policies

Die Publikationen No. 1-90 können in Papierform am Lehrstuhl angefordert werden.