EIIW Discussion Papers

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No. 324 Roeger, W.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Gaspreisdeckel, Strommarkt und Makroeffekte in Deutschland und der EU


No. 323 Roeger, W.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Gas Price Caps and Electricity Production Effects in the Context of the Russo-Ukrainian War: Modeling and New Policy Reforms


No. 322 Zander, T.: FDI Flows and the Effects of the Shadow Economy: Evidence from Gravity Modelling


No. 318 Welfens, P.J.J.; Xiong, T.; Hanrahan, D.: An Analysis of the Determinants of Green Innovation Dynamics in Europe and Climate Neutrality-related Policy Options


No. 317 Welfens, P.J.J.; Hanrahan, D.: Handels- und Technologierat EU-USA: Entwicklungen, Schlüsselthemen und politische Optionen


No. 316 Welfens, P.J.J.; Hanrahan, D.: The EU-US Trade and Technology Council: Developments, Key Issues and Policy Options


No. 315 Welfens, P.J.J.: Effective Aid for Ukraine by OECD Countries


No. 314 Roeger, W.; Welfens, P.J.J.: EU Gas Import Tariff Under Duopoly: A Contribution to the Energy Sanctions Debate on Russia


No. 313 Wilke, A.; Welfens P.J.J.: An Analysis of Corona Pandemic-related Productivity Growth in Germany: Sectoral Aspects, Work-From-Home Perspectives and Digitalization Intensity


No. 312 Welfens, P.J.J.: Russia’s Attack on Ukraine: Economic Challenges, Embargo Issues & a New World Order


No. 310 Xiong, T.: Mergers and Acquisitions by Chinese Multinationals in Europe: The Effect on the Innovation Performance of Acquiring Firms



No. 309 Xiong, T.; Celebi, K.; Welfens, P.J.J.: OECD Countries’ Twin Long-run Challenge: The Impact of Ageing Dynamics and Increasing Natural Disasters on Savings Ratios


No. 308 Baier, F.; Welfens, P.J.J.; Zander, T.: Employment and Job Perspectives for Female Refugees in Germany: Analysis and Policy Implications from a Local Survey Study


No. 307 Soliman, K.: Are Industrial Robots a new GPT? A Panel Study of Nine European Countries with Capital and Quality-adjusted Industrial Robots as Drivers of Labour Productivity Growth


No. 306 Mueller, M.: French Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2022: What to Expect?


No. 304 Welfens, P.J.J.: Nouvelle analyse de l'inégalité et de la modernité tardive : Perspectives économiques et perceptions sociologiques erronées


No. 303 Welfens, P.J.J.: New Inequality and Late Modernity Analysis: Economic Perspectives and Sociological Misperceptions


No. 302 Welfens, P.J.J.: Neue Ungleichheits- und Modernitätsanalyse: Ökonomische Perspektiven und Soziologie-Fehlsicht


No. 301 Welfens, P.J.J.; Celebi, K.: FDI Globalization and the New Phillips Curve: Role of Multinational Companies and Institutional Changes


No. 300 Roeger, W.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Foreign Direct Investment and Innovations: Transmission Dynamics of Persistent Demand and Technology Shocks in a Macro Model


No. 299 Dauenhauer, C.; Perret J.K.: Determinants of Purchasing Behavior – On the Interaction of Price Anchors and the Framing of Price Changes


No. 297 Welfens, P.J.J.: Gesundheitsförderung und Klimapolitik: Neue Krankenversicherungs-Perspektiven zu Marktdynamik und Klimafortschritt


No. 296 Welfens, P.J.J.: National and Global Vaccine Procurement in a Pandemic Situation: Rational Patent Replacement Option


No. 295 Welfens, P.J.J.: Nationale und globale Impfstoffbeschaffung in einer Pandemie-Situation: Rationale Patent-Ersatzoption


No. 294 Bahlmann, J.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Environmental Policy Stringency and Foreign Direct Investment: New Insights from a Gravity Model Approach


No. 291 Celebi, K.; Welfens, P.J.J.: The Stock Market, Labor-Income Risk and Unemployment in the US: Empirical Findings and Policy Implications


No. 290 Gries, T.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Testen als Ansatz zur Kontrolle der Corona-Epidemie-Dynamik und zur Vermeidung von Lockdowns


No. 289 Gries, T.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Testing as an Approach to Control the Corona Epidemic Dynamics and Avoid Lockdowns



No. 288 Welfens, P.J.J.: The Background of Trumpism and its Main Economic Effects


No. 287 Wilke, A.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Urban Wind Energy Production Potential: New Opportunities


No. 286 Welfens, P.J.J: Corona-Impfpolitik-Perspektiven: Grundlagen, Probleme und Strategieoptionen (Preliminary Version)

No. 285 Hanrahan, D.: Digitalization as a Determinant of Tax Revenues in OECD Countries: A Static and Dynamic Panel Data Analysis


No. 283 Welfens, P.J.J.: Optimal Inward Foreign Direct Investment Share within an International M&A Setting


No. 281 Celebi, K.; Welfens, P.J.J.: The Economic Impact of Trump: Conclusions from an Impact Evaluation Analysis


No. 280 Zander, T.: Does corruption matter for FDI flows in the OECD? A gravity analysis


No. 279 Welfens, P. J. J.: Product Innovations, Process Innovations and Foreign Direct Investment: New Theoretical Aspects and Empirical Findings


No. 278 Jungmittag, A.: Techno-Globalization: Theory and Empirical Analysis for OECD Countries


No. 277 Bretschger, L.; Grieg, E.; Welfens, P.J.J.; Xiong, T.: COVID-19 Infections and Fatalities Developments: Empirical Evidence for OECD Countries and Newly Industrialized Economies


No. 275 Welfens, P.J.J.: Doubts on the Role of Disturbance Variance in New Keynesian Models and Suggested Refinements


No. 274 Bretschger, L.; Grieg, E.; Welfens, P.J.J.; Xiong, T.: Corona Fatality Development, Health Indicators and the Environment: Empirical Evidence for OECD Countries


No. 273 Welfens, P.J.J.: Corona World Recession and Health System Crisis: Shocks Not Understood So Far, May 2020


No. 272 Welfens, P.J.J.: Macroeconomic Aspects of the Coronavirus Epidemic: Eurozone, EU and Global Perspectives, April 2020 (Updated Version April 14th 2020)


No. 271 Kadiric, S.: The Determinants of Sovereign Risk Premiums in the UK and the European Government Bond Market: The Impact of Brexit, March 2020


No. 270 Welfens, P.J.J.: Macroeconomic Aspects of the Coronavirus Epidemic: Eurozone, EU, US and Chinese Perspectives, 09.03.2020


No. 269 Welfens, P.J.J.: The Optimum Import Tariff in the Presence of Outward Foreign Direct Investment, January 2020


No. 268 Celebi, K.: Quo Vadis, Britain? – Implications of the Brexit Process on the UK’s Real Economy, January 2020


No. 267 Welfens, P.J.J.; Celebi, K.: CO2 Allowance Price Dynamics and Stock Markets in EU Countries: Empirical Findings and Global CO2-Perspectives, January 2020




No. 266 Welfens, P.J.J.; Xiong, T.: US MNCs´ Reinvested Earnings and Investment in EU Countries: New Thoughts on Feldstein-Horioka, forthcoming


No. 265 Welfens, P.J.J.: Financial Markets and Oil Prices in a Schumpeterian Context of CO2-Allowance Markets, December 2019


No. 264 Jungmittag, A.; Welfens, P.J.J.: EU-US Trade Post-Trump Perspectives: TTIP Aspects Retalde to Foreign Direct Investment and Innovation, November 2019


No. 263 Welfens, P.J.J.: After Eastern German State Elections 2019: Germany Facing Serious Politico-Economic Problems, September 2019


No. 262 Welfens, P.J.J.: Rationale Klimapolitik für das Erreichen des Ziels Klimaneutralität: NRW-Deutschland-EU G20Plus, October 2019


No. 261 Baier, F.J.: Foreign Direct Investment and Tax: OECD Gravity Modelling in a World with International Financial Institutions, August 2019


No. 260 Welfens, P.J.J.: BREXIT-Wirtschaftsperspektiven für Deutschland und NRW: Mittel- und langfristige Effekte & Politikoptionen, June 2019


No. 258 Welfens, P.J.J.: Wirtschaftspolitik-Fehlorientierung des Westens nach 1989: Bankenkrise, Globalisierungs-Ordnungsdefizit und Desintegrationsdruck, April 2019


No. 257 Welfens, P.J.J.: Council of Economic Advisers: Biased Per Capita Consumption Comparison of the US and Europe, March 2019


No. 256 Welfens, P.J.J.; Baier, F.; Kadiric, S.; Korus, A.; Xiong, T.: EU28 Capital Market Perspectives of a Hard BREXIT: Theory, Empirical Findings and Policy Options, March 2019




No. 255 Welfens, P.J.J.; Yu, N.; Hanrahan, D.; Schmülling, B.; Fechtner, H.: Electrical Bus Mobility in the EU and China: Technological, Ecological and Economic Policy Perspectives, December 2018


No. 254 Baier, F.J.; Welfens, P.J.J.: The UK’s Banking FDI Flows and Total British FDI: A Dynamic BREXIT Analysis, November 2018


No. 253 Welfens, P.J.J.: Explaining Trumpism as a Structural US Problem: New Insights and Transatlantic Plus Global Economic Perspectives, October 2018


No. 251 Kadiric, S./Korus, A.: The Effects of Brexit on Corporate Yield Spreads: Evidence from UK and Eurozone Corporate Bond Markets, September 2018


No. 250 Welfens, P.J.J./Udalov, V.: International Inequality Dynamics: Issues and Evidence of a Redistribution Kuznets Curve, September 2018


No. 249 Welfens, P.J.J.; Xiong, TT.: BREXIT Perspectives: Financial Market Dynamics, Welfare Aspects and Problems from Slower Growth, September 2018


No. 248 Welfens, P.J.J.: New Marshall-Lerner Conditions for an Economy with Outward and Two-Way Foreign Direct Investment, July 2018


No. 247 Welfens, P.J.J.; Xiong, T.: The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Regional Innovation Capacity in China, June 2018


No. 246 Welfens, P.J.J.: Lack of International Risk Management in BREXIT?, July 2018


No. 245 Udalov, V.: Analysis of Individual Renewable Energy Support: An Enhanced Model, Juni 2018


No. 244 Welfens, P.J.J./Yushkova, E.: IKT-Sektor in China und Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu Deutschland, April 2018


No. 243 Korus, A.; Celebi, K.: The Impact of Brexit on the British Pound/Euro Exchange rate, April 2018


No. 242 Welfens, P.J.J.: International Risk Management in BREXIT and Policy Options, March 2018


No. 241 Welfens, P.J.J.; Baier, F. J.: BREXIT and FDI: Key Issues and New Empirical Findings, January 2018




No. 240 Welfens, P.J.J.; Hanrahan, D.: The BREXIT Dynamics: British and EU27 Challenges after the EU Referendum, May 2017


No. 239 Welfens, P.J.J.; Kadiric, S.: Neuere Finanzmarktaspekte von Bankenkrise, QE-Politik und EU-Bankenaufsicht, July 2017


No. 238 Welfens, Paul J.J.: Foreign Financial Deregulation under Flexible and Fixed Exchange Rates, June 2017


No. 236 Welfens, Paul J.J.: Techno-Globalisierung, Leitmärkte und Strukturwandel in wirtschaftspolitischer Sicht, August 2017


No. 235 Welfens, Paul J.J.; Hanrahan, D.: BREXIT: Key Analytical Issues and Insights from Revised Economic Forecasts, January 2018


No. 234 Welfens, Paul J.J.: The True Cost of BREXIT for the UK: A Research Note, October 2017


No. 233 Udalov, Vladimir; Welfens, Paul J.J.: Digital and Competing Information Sources: Impact on Environmental Concern und Prospects for Cooperation, April 2017


No. 232 Welfens, Paul J.J.: Negative Welfare Effects from Enhanced International M&As in the Post-BREXIT-Referendum UK, April 2017


No. 231 Welfens, Paul J.J.; Debes, C.: Globale Nachhaltigkeit: Ergebnisse zum EIIWvita Nachhaltigkeitsindikator, March 2018


No. 230 Yu, Nan: Innovation of renewable energy generation technologies at a regional level in China:A study based on patent data analysis, December 2016

No. 229 Irawan, T.; Welfens, P.J.J.: IKT-Wirtschaftsdynamik und regionale Freihandelsdynamik in ASEAN-Ländern: Analyse und Perspektiven für Asien und Europa (Updated August 2019!)

No. 228 Korus, A.: Innovationsorientierte öffentliche Beschaffung und Leitmärkte: Politische Initiativen in der EU, October 2016

No. 227 Welfens, P.J.J.: eHealth: Grundlagen der Digitalen Gesundheitswirtschaft und Leitmarktperspektiven, October 2016

No. 226 Dachs, B.; Budde, B.: Fallstudie Nachhaltiges Bauen und Lead Markets in Österreich, October 2016

No. 225 Korus, A.: Erneuerbare Energien und Leitmärkte in der EU und Deutschland, October 2016

No. 224 Irawan, T.; Welfens, P.J.J.: ICT Dynamics and Regional Trade Bias in Asia: Theory and Empirical Aspects, October 2016

No. 223 Perret, Jens K.: Strukturwandel in der Europäischen Union am Beispiel ausgewählter Leitmärkte mit besonderem Bezug auf die Innovations­tätigkeit der Mitgliedsländer, October 2016

No. 222 Dachs, B.: Techno-Globalisierung als Motor des Aufholprozesses im österreichischen Innovationssystem, October 2016


No. 221 Jungmittag, A.: Techno-Globalisierung, October 2016


No. 220 Welfens, P.J.J.: Qualitätswettbewerb, Produktinnovationen und Schumpetersche Prozesse in internationalen Märkten, October 2016


No. 219 Welfens, P.J.J.: Cameron’s Information Disaster in the Referendum of 2016: An Exit from Brexit? September 2016


No. 218 Korus, A.: Currency Overvaluation and R&D Spending, September 2016


No. 217 Perret, J. K.: A Spatial Knowledge Production Function Approach for the Regions of the Russian Federation, June 2016


No. 216 Welfens, P.J.J.: EU-Osterweiterung: Anpassungsprozesse, Binnenmarktdynamik und Euro-Perspektiven, August 2016


No. 215 Welfens, P.J.J.; Toni Irawan; Jens K. Perret: True Investment-GDP Ratio in a World Economy with Investment in Information & Communication Technology, June 2016


No. 214 Welfens, P.J.J.: TTIP-Fehlanalyse im SPIEGEL Heft 6. Mai 2016, Mai 2016


No. 213 Welfens, P.J.J.: Misleading TTIP analysis in the 6th/7th May 2016 issue of DER SPIEGEL, May 2016


No. 212: Jungmittag, A.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Beyond EU-US Trade Dynamics: TTIP Effects Related to Foreign Direct Investment and Innovation


No. 211: Welfens, P.J.J.: Schumpeterian Macroeconomic Production Function for Open Economies: A New Endogenous Knowledge and Output Analysis


No. 210: Welfens, P.J.J.: Overcoming the Euro Crisis and Prospects for a Political Union


No. 209: Welfens, P.J.J.: Transatlantisches Freihandelsabkommen EU-USA: Befunde zu den TTIP-Vorteilen und Anmerkungen zur TTIP-Debatte


No. 208: Welfens, P.J.J.; Irawan T.: European Innovations Dynamics and US Economic Impact: Theory and Empirical Analysis


No. 207: Jens K. Perret.: Comments on the Impact of Knowledge on Economic Growth across the Regions of the Russian Federation


No. 206: Welfens, P.J.J.: Innovation, Inequality and a Golden Rule for Growth in an Economy with Cobb-Douglas Function and an R&D Sector


No. 205: Welfens, P.J.J.: Competition in Telecommunications and Internet Services: Problems with Asymmetric Regulation


No. 204: Welfens, P.J.J.; Irawan, T.: Trade and Foreign Direct Investment: New Theoretical Approach and Empirical Findings for US Exports and European Exports


No. 203: Welfens, P.J.J.: Overcoming the EU Crisis and Prospects for a Political Union


No. 202: Udalov, V.: Political-Economic Aspects of Renewable Energy: Voting on the Level of Renewable Energy Support


No. 201: Tan, A.: Harnessing the Power of ICT and Innovation Case Study Singapore


No. 200: Syraya, O.: Mobile Telecommunications and Digital Innovations


No. 199: Feiguine, G.; Solovjova, J.: ICT Modernization and Globalization:
Russian Perspectives


No. 198: Feiguine, G.; Solovjova, J.: Significance of Foreign Direct Investment for the Development of Russian ICT sector


No. 197: Kubielas, S.; Olender-Skorek, M.: ICT Modernization in Central and Eastern Europe


No. 196: Feiguine, G.; Solovjova, J.: ICT Investment and Internationalization of the Russian Economy


No. 195: Welfens, P.J.J.; Jungmittag, A.: Telecommunications Dynamics, Output and Employment, September 2013


No. 194: Schröder, C.: Dynamics in ICT cooperation networks in selected German ICT clusters


No. 193: Welfens, P.J.J.; Perret, J.K.: Information & Communication Technology and True Real GDP: Economic Analysis and Findings for Selected Countries


No. 192: Irawan, T.: ICT and Economic Development: Conclusion from IO Analysis for Selected ASEAN Member States


No. 191: Welfens, P.J.J.: Atomstromkosten und -risiken: Haftpflichtfragen und Optionen rationaler Wirtschaftspolitik


No. 190: Welfens, P.J.J.:: Atomstromkosten und -risiken: Haftpflichtfragen und Optionen rationaler Wirtschaftspolitik


No. 189: Erdem, D.: Foreign Direct Investments, Energy Efficiency and Innovation Dynamics


No. 188: Keim, M.: Die Einführung des Euro in Estland


No. 185: Schröder, C.: Regionale und unternehmensspezifische Faktoren einer hohen Wachstumsdynamik von IKT Unternehmen in Deutschland


No. 184: Lengyel, B.: Regional clustering tendencies of the Hungarian automotive and ICT industries in the first half of the 2000?s


No. 183: Lengyel, B.: The Hungarian ICT sector ? a comparative CEE perspective with special emphasis on structural change


No. 182: Szalavetz, A.: The Hungarian automotive sector ? a comparative CEE perspective with special emphasis on structural change


No. 181: Szanyi, M.: Industrial Clusters: Concepts and Empirical Evidence from East-Central Europe


No. 180: Welfens P.J.J.: European and Global Reform Requirements for Overcoming the Banking Crisis


No. 179: Welfens P.J.J.: New Open Economy Policy Perspectives: Modified Golden Rule and Hybrid Welfare


No. 178: Perret J.K.: A Core-Periphery Pattern in Russia ? Twin Peaks or a Rat´s Tail


No. 177: Welfens, P.J.J.: Toward a New Concept of Universal Services: The Role of Digital Mobile Services and Network Neutrality


No. 176: Mahmutovic, Zafir: Patendatenbank: Implementierung und Nutzung


No. 175: Welfens, P.J.J.: Rating, Kapitalmarktsignale und Risikomanagement: Reformansätze nach der Transatlantischen Bankenkrise

No. 174: Welfens, Paul J.J.; Perret, Jens K.; Erdem, Deniz: Global Economic Sustainability: Analysis and Policyoptions for the Copenhagen Process

Translation in Russian available: Индикатор глобальной экономической устойчивости: анализ и политические опции для Копенгагенского процесса


No. 173: Welfens, Paul J.J., Perret, Jens K.: Structural Change, Specialization and Growth in EU 25


No. 172: Erdem, Deniz, Meyer, Kirsten: Natural Gas Import Dynamics and Russia's Role in the Security of Germany's Supply Strategy


No. 171: Welfens, P.J.J.: Innovationen und Transatlantische Bankenkrise: Eine ordnungspolitische Analyse


No. 170: Welfens, P.J.J., Dora Borbély: Structural Change, Innovation and Growth in the Single EU Market


No. 169: Welfens, P.J.J.: Explaining oil price dynamics


No. 168: Welfens, P.J.J.: Marshall-Lerner Condition and Economic Globalization


No. 167: Schröder, Ch.: Financial System and Innovations: Determinants of Early Stage Venture Capital in Europe


No. 166: Welfens, P.J.J.: The International Banking Crisis:Lessons and EU Reforms

No. 165: Welfens, P.J.J.; Vogelsang, M.: Regulierung und Innovationsdynamik in der EU-Telekommunikationswirtschaft


No. 164: Welfens, P.J.J.: Growth, Innovation and Natural Ressource (in russischer Sprache)


No. 163: Welfens, P.J.J.: Intégration Européenne et Mondialisation: Défis, Débats, Options


No. 162: Bartelmus, P.: Sustainable Development – Has It Run Its Course?


No. 161: Welfens, P.J.J.: Portfolio Modelling and Growth

No. 160: Islami, M.: Interdepence Between Foreign Exchange Markets and Stock Markets in Selected European Countries


No. 159: Welfens, P.J.: Growth, Innovation and Natural Ressource


No. 158: Welfens, P.J.J.: Growth, Structural Dynamics and EU Integration in the Context of the Lisbon Agend


No. 157 Welfens, P.J.J.: Portfoliomodell und langfristiges Wachstum: Neue Makroperspektiven


No. 156 Addison, J.T.: The Perfomance Effects of Unions. Codetermination, and Employee Involvment: Comparing the United States and Germany (With an Addendum on the United States)


No. 155 Welfens, P.J.J.: Ungelöste Probleme der Bankenaufsicht


No. 154 Feiguine, G.: Die Beziehungen zwischen Russland und der EU-Osterweiterung: Stand und Entwicklungsperspektiven


No. 153 Welfens, P.J.J.,Borbély, D.: Structural Change, Growth and Bazaar Effects in the Single EU Market


No. 152 Kutlina, Z.: Finanzmarktintegration und Wirtschaftsentwicklung im Kontext der EU-Osterweiterung


No. 151 Welfens, P.J.J., Keim, M.: Finanzmarktintegration und Wirtschaftsentwicklung im Kontext der EU-Osterweiterung


No. 150 Cassel, D., Welfens, P.J.J.: Regional Integration, Institutional Dynamics and International Competitiveness


No. 149 Vogelsang, M.: Trade of IT Services in a Macroeconomic General Equilibrium Model


No. 148 Welfens, P.J.J.: Marktwirtschaftliche Perspektiven der Energiepolitik in der EU: Ziele, Probleme, Politikoptionen


No. 147 Welfens, P.J.J.: Internationalization of EU ICT Industries: The Case of SAP


No. 146 Welfens, P.J.J.: Rational Regulatory Policy for the Digital Economy: Theory and EU-Policy Options


No. 145 Jungmittag, A.: Technological Specialization as a driving Force of Production Specialization


No. 144 Welfens, P.J.J.: Grundlagen rationaler Transportpolitik bei Integration


No. 143 Welfens, P.J.J.: Information and Communication Technology: Dynamics, Integration and Economic Stability


No. 142 Welfens, P.J.J.: Digitale Innovationen, Neue Märkte und Telekomregulierung


No. 141 Schumann, Ch.: Financing Studies: Financial Support schemes for students in selected countries


No. 140 Borbély D.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Structural Change, Innovation and Growth in the Context of EU Eastern Enlargement


No. 139 Welfens, P.J.J.: Interdependency of Real Exchange Rate, Trade, Innovation, Structural Change and Growth


No. 138 Borbèly, D.: Determinants of Trade Specialization in the New EU Member States


No. 137 Welfens, P.J.J.: Schattenregulierung in der Telekommunikationswirtschaft


No. 136 Welfens, P.J.J.: Rational Regulatory Policy for the Digital Economy: Theory and EU Policy Options


No. 135 Feiguine, G.: Beitritt Russlands zur WTO ? Probleme und Perspektiven


No. 134 Libman, A.: Russia's Integration into the World Economy: An Interjurisdictional Competition View


No. 133 Jungmittag, A.; Welfens, P.J.J: Institutions, Telecommunications Dynamics and Policy Challenges: Theory and Empirical Analysis for Germany


No. 132 Welfens, P.J.J.: A Quasi-Cobb Douglas Production Function with Sectoral Progress: Theory and Application to the New Economy


No. 131 Welfens, P.J.J.: Significant Market Power in Telecommunications: Theoretical and Practical Aspects


No. 130 Pospiezna, P.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Economic Opening up of Russia: Establishment of new EU-RF Trade Relations in View of EU Eastern Enlargement


No. 129 Pospiezna, P.: The application of EU Common Trade Policy in new Memberstates after Enlargement ? Consequences on Russia?s Trade with Poland


No. 128 Welfens, P.J.J.: Savings, Investment and Growth: New Approaches for Macroeconomic Modelling


No. 127 Welfens, P.J.J.: Innovations in the Digital Economy: Promotion of R&D and Growth in Open Economies


No. 126 Welfens, P.J.J.; Borbèly, D.: Exchange Rate Developments and Stock Market Dynamics in Transition Countries: Theory and Empirical Analysis


No. 125 Bartelmus, P.: SEEA Revision: Accounting for Sustainability?


No. 124 Welfens, P.J.J.; Kauffmann, A.; Keim, M.: Liberalization of Electricity Markets in Selected European Countries


No. 123 Welfens, P.J.J.: Digitale Soziale Marktwirtschaft: Probleme und Reformoptionen im Kontext der Expansion der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie


No. 122 Borbèly, D.: Competition among Cohesion and Accession Countries: Comparative Analysis of Specialization within the EU Market


No. 121 Jungmittag, A.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Politikberatung und empirische Wirtschaftsforschung: Entwicklungen, Probleme, Optionen für mehr Rationalität in der Wirtschaftspolitik


No. 120 Welfens, P.J.J.: EU Innovation Policy: Analysis and Critique


No. 119 Welfens, P.J.J.; Markova, E.: Private and Public Financing of Infrastructure: Theory, International Experience and Policy Implications for Russia


No. 118 Markova, E.: Liberalisation of Telecommunications in Russia


No. 117 Welfens, P.J.J.: Auf dem Weg in eine europäische Informations- und Wissens-gesellschaft: Probleme, Weichenstellungen, Politikoptionen


No. 116 Borbèly, D.: EU Export Specialization Patterns in Selected Accession Countries


No. 115 Addison, J.T.; Teixeira, P.: The effect of worker representation on employment behaviour in Germany: another case of -2.5%


No. 114 Welfens, P.J.J.: The End of the Stability Pact: Arguments for a New Treaty


No. 113 Shi, S.: China?s Accession to WTO and its Impacts on Foreign Direct Investment


No. 112 Wiegert, R.: Russia's Banking System, the Central Bank and the Exchange Rate Regime


No. 111 Gavrilenkov, E.: Diversification of the Russian Economy and Growth


No. 110 Addison, J.T.; Teixeira, P.: What Have We Learned About The Employment Effects of Severance Pay? Further Iterations of Lazear et al.


No. 109 Welfens, P.J.J.; Ponder, J.K.: Digital EU Eastern Enlargement


No. 108 Welfens, P.J.J.: Risk Pricing, Investment and Prudential Supervision: A Critical Evaluation of Basel II Rules


No. 107 Welfens, P.J.J.: Überwindung der Wirtschaftskrise in der Eurozone: Stabilitäts-, Wachs-tums- und Strukturpolitik


No. 106 Welfens, P.J.J.; Jungmittag, A.; Kauffmann, A.; Schumann, Ch.: EU Eastern Enlargement and Structural Change: Specialization Patterns in Accession Countries and Economic Dynamics in the Single Market


No. 105 Welfens, P.J.J.: Exchange Rate Dynamics and Structural Adjustment in Europe


No. 104 Standke, K.-H.: The Impact of International Organisations on National Science and Technology Policy and on Good Governance


No. 103 Welfens, P.J.J.; Kirn, T.: Mittelstandsentwicklung, BASEL-II-Kreditmarktprobleme und Kapitalmarktperspektiven


No. 102 Blind, K.; Jungmittag, A.: Ausländische Direktinvestitionen, Importe und Innovationen im Dienstleistungsgewerbe


No. 101 Agata, K.: Internet, Economic Growth and Globalization


No. 100 Gavrilenkov, E: Macroeconomic Situation in Russia - Growth, Investment and Capital Flows


No. 99 Welfens, P.J.J.: Finanzpolitik zwischen Wachstumsschwäche und Maastrichter Vertrag / Stabilitätspakt: Ausgabenschwerpunkte neu setzen und kluge Steuerreform


No. 98 Jungmittag, A.; Welfens, P.J.J.: Telecommunication, Internet, Innovation and Growth in Europe and the US


No. 97 Welfens, P.J.J.: I&K-Technologie, Produktivität und Wachstum: Transatlantische Analyseperspektiven und wirtschaftspolitische Optionen


No. 96 Jungmittag, A: Innovation Dynamics in the EU: Convergence or Divergence?, A Cross-Country Panel Data Analysis


No. 95 Welfens, P.J.J.: Constitutional Issues and the Quality of Political Competition: Analysis and Implications for a Future EU Constitution


No. 94 Welfens, P.J.J.: Mittelfristige Herausforderungen für Euroland: Stabilität, EU-Osterweiterung, Wachstum


No. 93 Welfens, P.J.J.; Wiegert, R.: Reform des Bankensektors und Stabilität in Russland


No. 92 Jungmittag, A.: Innovationsdynamik in der EU: Konvergenz oder Divergenz?, Eine Zeitreihen-Querschnittsanalyse


No. 91 Addison, J.T.: Principles of Market-Oriented Labor Market Policies